Monday, February 8, 2010

Finally a little less busy!

We finally MOVED and I love my new house so much. I am still putting it all together Since i'm flying solo it's semi hard to do with a kiddo who just started crawling!!!! She never even tried at the old house and 2 days here BAM she is on her way. She is pulling herself up onto EVERYTHING. Cecilia is so much happier and she follows me everywhere now it's so cute! The  only rooms I got done in my house so far are the bathrooms some were done before but quikly ruined by the husband! We built our new bedroom set it looks lovely I just need some new pictures for in there. Tomorrow i'm busting out the kitchen dining area also the laundry room! Oh Kyle bought me an elliptical and ab lounge for V day i know what your thinking but that's what I wanted and I wanted it now! because i'm really trying to get in shape so I can have baby numero dos! haha which I have decided won't be for a long time I was going to start trying with Kyle in August but I really think I just want to wait a while and get to know Cecilia so maybe when she is 5. JK hahaha but really I don't want another baby for a long time until we are totally financially stable. I have pics but i don't know where my camera is but I will post them when I find it. I'm starting another round of the hcg diet tomorrow I did one roudn and I have kept 10 lbs off still so i'm shooting for even more this time! Right now I think i'm headin to the bedroom to read my book which I am currently reading She's come undone by Wally Lamb. It's pretty good and random so far so we will see. next book is Club dead haha gotta love the trueblood series. So tata for now.


  1. Oh I can't wait to see pics of your house! I wanted to start the diet but since we're trying to get prego I thought I wouldn't take any risks. So I'm trying to lose weight the old fashion way and it's so stinkin hard!! Yeah I love your background...great minds think a like basto

  2. I LOVE this diet it's the only one that has ever worked for me the only thing I hate is when you have your pig out days I never know what to eat and I end up HARDLY pigging out haha but I REALLY love this diet ALSO you should try the wave it's AWESOME

  3. Glad to have you back! It's always exciting to get into a new place. I'm so excited to see the pictures!
